Friday, October 19, 2012

OSB-SOA Direct transport

The OSB provides a SOA-DIRECT transport that can be used to invoke Oracle SOA Suite service
components, such as BPEL processes, human tasks, rules, and Oracle Mediator components. The SOA-DIRECT transport provides native connectivity between OSB services and Oracle SOA
Suite service components.

The features supported by SOA-DIRECT transport:
  • Invocation of any SOA binding component services through Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
  • WS-Addressing
  • Identity propagation
  • Transaction propagation
  • Attachments
  • Optimized RMI transport for invoking SOA services
  • High availability and clustering support
  • Failover and load balancing (not available for services in the service callback role)
  • Connection and application retries on errors
The SOA-DIRECT transport uses WS-Addressing for message correlation in synchronous and asynchronous communications.

For Security, the SOA-DIRECT transport supports one-way SSL. To use SSL, enable SSL in the domain, use the secure protocol in the endpoint URI, such as https, iiops, or t3s, and reference the secure port in the URI.

The SOA-DIRECT transport stores the following environment values for SOA-DIRECT services:

  • JNDI Service Account (security category)
  • Pass Caller's Subject (security category)
  • Invocation Service account (security category)
  • Work Manager (environment category)

Synchronously invoking a SCA composite from an OSB service
The SOA-DIRECT transport supports transactions and identity propagation across JVMs and
uses the T3 RMI protocol to communicate with the SOA Suite server.

The SOA Suite and the OSB server must be on the same patch set level, otherwise we can get java class version errors.

The SOA-Direct transport supports WSDL type services with SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, or, alternatively, XML bindings. The SOA direct binding framework only exposes direct binding services as WSDL with SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 bindings, not XML. However, if you want to use an XML binding, you must manually customize the imported SOA service WSDLs for the direct binding services. An XML binding has no effect on the message payload, since messages between the SOA-DIRECT transport and SOA binding components are always abstract (no binding).


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