Tuesday, May 14, 2013

OSB-SOAP Action Header Issue

Recently, I worked on an existing code developed by somebody else long time ago and a defect was opened for SOAP action header issue. The invoked web service always complained 'no SOAPAction header!'.

As the business service was developed by vendor and they used RPC style, we have to define the business service as any XML service. (If we defined as a WSDL webservice, OSB threw exception when it got the response - unrecognized response.) As the business service was set an any XML service, it looks like the the OSB can automatically set soap action header.

In OSB proxy service, before the service callout, put a replace action to replace the soap action hdead in outbound.
In this application, I just used the soap action header of inbound to replace the one of outbound by the easiest way. (From the OSB console, I saw the soap action header is empty string for the initial request and same as the one needed for the service call, then I just copied them from Inbound Request.)

Note: A Transport Headers action looks like not work properly and the soap xml was modified by OSB automatically and caused an additional soap body was added to the soap envelop incorrectly.

SOAPAction References: