Monday, November 21, 2011

Using Preference in Oracle SOA 11g

In the Oracle SOA 11g, how can we config the timeout of a callback service at runtime? Where can we put these property? A preferences in composite.xml will solve these questions in BPEL process.

Where to add?
In the composite.xml, locate the component element.

  <component name="SubmitOrder" version="2.0">
    <implementation.bpel src="SubmitOrder.bpel"/>
    <property name="bpel.preference.timeout">PT90S</property>

Then we can use the function ora:getPreference(preferenceName) in a bpel process.

Note: The preference have a prefix and you doesn't need it when you reference it. The prefix is 'bpel.preference'.

How to config it in production?
In Oracle SOA Suite 11g, we can change the value of prefences with Enterprise Manager, which url is http://hostname:port/em.

1. Find the SOA domain, in my example, it is Farm_soa_domain\Weblogic Domain\soa_domain
2. Right click on the domain name and select ‘System MBean Browser’ from the popup menu.
4. From the right frame, locate your component. The navigate path is
Application Defined MBeans\oracle.soa.config\Server:{server name}\SCAComposite\{project name}\SCAComposite.SCAComponent\{component name}.

5. Click on the Attribute 'Properties', the preference will be displayed.

You can modified it and apply the new value to that property.

Monday, October 17, 2011

What does BPM/BPMN add to SOA Suite?

Oracle has just released Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite (often referred to as ‘Patch Set 3,’) the second release that includes comprehensive support for both Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) for modeling and executing business processes.

For the detail, you can find at

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Calling Java Classes from SOA Suite 11g


Essentially the same procedure, from a development perspective, as in 10g -
but under the hood we're using the 11g Infrastructure layer.

The Oracle documentation can be found at

Here's a simple example based on WSDL Java binding, later posts will cover bpel:exec etc. -

1. Create a generic Application/Project in Jdev 11g

1.1. Add 2 classes - Cust & Greeting

Cust -

package cccwsif;

public class Cust {

private String custName1;
private String custName2;
private String custXMASgreeting;

public Cust() {

public void setCustName1(String custName1) {
this.custName1 = custName1;

public String getCustName1() {
return custName1;

public void setCustName2(String custName2) {
this.custName2 = custName2;

public String getCustName2() {
return custName2;

public void setCustXMASgreeting(String custXMASgreeting) {
this.custXMASgreeting = custXMASgreeting;

public String getCustXMASgreeting() {
return custXMASgreeting;

Greeting - 

package cccwsif;

public class Greeting {
public Greeting() {

public Cust XMASgreet(Cust c){
String g = "Happy Christmas " + c.getCustName1() + " " +
return c;

1.2. expose Greeting as a Web Service
1.2.1. Right-mouse click on Greeting
1.2.2. Then select "Create Web Service..."

1.2.3. Accept defaults for all steps up until step 9.
1.2.4. Additional Classes --> Include "Cust" class

1.2.5. open the wsdl file and set nillable=false

1.2.6. open the GreetingService-java-wsdl-mapping.xml file
1.2.7. check the mapping order

1.3. Add the Java Binding to the WSDL
1.3.1. Open the wsdl in "Design" mode
1.3.2. Click the + by Bindings

1.3.3. Click the Map button
1.3.4. select the Cust class

1.3.5. Amend the Service entry in the WSDL as follows -

1.4. Jar up the project
1.4.1. File --> New --> Deployment Profile --> Jar
1.4.2. Deploy to Jar

2. Create a SOA App in JDev 11g

2.1. Copy the WSDL into the project

2.2. Drop a BPEL service component onto the designer
2.2.1. Set input / output as follows -

2.3. Add a partner Link to the process, pointing to the imported WSDL
2.3.1. Add Assign - Invoke - Assign Activities

2.3.2 Assign input / output vars in the 2 Assigns
2.4. Copy the Jar file from the previous project to the SOA Project sca-inf\lib directory

2.5. Deploy the SOA App


SOA Suite 11g - FTP Adapter


Here is a simple lab demonstrating use of the FTP adapter.
I'm using FileZilla as my FTP Server.
I created the following directories

FTP Server Configuration

I create a user NiallC/NiallC
and configure the shared folders as follows -

Create FTP Adapter artifacts using WLS Console

Deployments --> FtpAdapter --> Configuration --> Outbound Connection Pools --> New

Edit the properties as follows -


Create a new SOA app

In this example I read in an(GET) order and then write it out (PUT).

Configure the read adapter as follows -

Configure the write adapter as follows -

Add the Mediator and specify the transformation.

That's it.

App at

Invoking SOA Composite as part of a global transaction


Scenario: Java client calls SOA Suite composite to process an order as part of a global transaction. The SOA composite is expose as an EJB service. The composite contains 1 BPEL process that itself calls an EJB service to update our Orders DB.

I'm using SCOTT's schema and have already created a datasource on WLS for it.

name: scottDS
jndi: jdbc/scottDS

Step 1. Create DB Table - test 
Create table test (id number(2), quantity number(2));
Step 2. Create a stateless session EJB to update this table
create a new application/project in JDev and include a statelsss session EJB 2.1

Step 2.1 - Add the following business method

public String callDB(int id, int quantity) {
Connection connection = null;
DataSource dataSource = null;

      * 1. Create an InitialContext.
      * 2. From the initial context, lookup the logical datasource reference  that is in the deployment descriptor.
    InitialContext initialcontext = new InitialContext();
    dataSource = (DataSource)initialcontext.lookup("jdbc.scottDS");

     System.out.println("***** Got Datasource...");
    // Check to see if the datasource is valid
        System.err.println("*** DataSource retrieved is null, did you add the code?");
        throw new ServletException("DataSource retrieved is null");
    connection = dataSource.getConnection();
    Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
    String insert = "insert into test values(" + id + "," + quantity + ")";
    System.out.println("INSERT = " + insert);

    ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery("Select to_char(sysdate) from dual");
    while ({
        System.out.println("*** Date = " + rset.getString(1));
}catch (Exception e){
    System.err.println("*** init() Exception, " + e.getMessage());
return "Ok";

Step 3 - Deploy and view the JNDI tree 
specify jndi name before deploying -

Step 4 - Create a new SOA App in Jdeveloper
Create a SOA Composite app
Add the ejb jar from the previous project to the apps classpath.
(We really only need the interface!)

Create the following input xsd

Create a synchronous BPEL process

Create an EJB reference

Wire up
Add the Invoke to the BPEL process

Add the required Assigns, before and after

Step 5 - Expose the composite as an EJB Service

Make InputOrder and OrderType serializable

Deploy and view in JNDI tree

Step 6 Create the EJB client in the SOA project
package demoejbtxsoa;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;

import java.util.Hashtable;

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;


public class MyEJBClient {
public static void main(String [] args) throws Throwable {
try {
final Context context = getInitialContext();

Proxy proxy = (Proxy)context.lookup("ejb/SOAEJBService");

// preparing the method to be called on the remote EJB
Method method =
ProcessOrder.class.getDeclaredMethod("process", new Class[] {InputOrder.class});
InputOrder id = new InputOrder();
OrderType ot = new OrderType();
ot.setComments("Good Customer");
ot.setProduct("Oracle SOA Suite 11g");
ot.setProductKey(new Long(12345));


InvocationHandler handler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(proxy);

ProcessResponse response = (ProcessResponse)handler.invoke(proxy, method, new Object[] { id });

} catch (Exception ex) {

private static Context getInitialContext() throws NamingException {
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
// WebLogic Server 10.x connection details
env.put( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory" );
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "weblogic");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome1");

return new InitialContext( env );

Run the client  and check the DB

Step 7 JTA enable...
Add the following code to the EJB Client -

import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;

public final static String JTA_USER_XACT = "javax.transaction.UserTransaction";

UserTransaction ut = (UserTransaction)context.lookup(JTA_USER_XACT);


Define BPEL to participate in the global TX.

Add this property to BPEL specification in composite.xml


